HOME>>学会誌閲覧>>Biosphere Conservation Vol.3 No.2 July 2001


Biosphere Conservation

Vol.3 No.2 July 2001 for Nature, Wildlife, and Humans Biosphere Conservation


Original Papers:

  • Factors explaining the extension of the sika deer' range in Nikko, Japan
    -------------------------------- Yuchun Li, Naoki Maruyama, and Masaaki Koganezawa 55
  • Densities and habitat selection of the sika deer and the Japanese serow in Nikko National Park, central Japan, as revealed by aerial censuses and GIS analysis
    ---------------------------------------------- Piotr Nowicki and Masaaki Koganezawa 71
  • An assessment of traffic volume impacts on brown bear movements near roads in Shiretoko National Park, Hokkaido, Japan
    ------------ Takahiro Murakami, Masami Yamanaka, Hideaki Okada, and Noriyuki Ohtaishi 89

Status and Recommendation:

  • Asiatic black bear conservation in Nagano Prefecture, central Japan: problems and solutions
    -------------- Oscar C. Huygens, Mitsuaki Goto, Shigeyuki Izumiyama, Hidetake Hayashi, and Toshio Yoshida 97
  • The present status of the Sichuan snub-nosed monkey in the Qinling Mountains of China, and a proposed conservation strategy for the species
    --------------Baoguo Li, Pengju He, Xingzhong Yang, Wuke Wei, Baoping Ren, Junying Yang, Kaichuang Si, and Yiping Liu 107


  • Asiatic black bear management plan in Nagano Prefecture, central Japan: a commentary
    ----------------------------------------------Oscar C. Huygens and Hidetake Hayashi 115

Short Note:

  • Marine algal flora from Unosaki of Oga Peninsula, the Japan Sea coast of northern Honshu
    ---------- Ryota Komoto, Nobuyasu Nakabayashi, Yukio Agatsuma, and Kazuya Taniguchi 131

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