Abstract: Richard Primack
and Abraham Miller-Rushing, Boston University.
Temperature records show that the world has been getting warmer over the past
100 years. This warming will have enormous economic, agricultural, medical
and ecological consequences. The first arrival times of migratory birds
and the first flowering times of plants in the spring are the ecological
phenomena for which we have the most data. However, the records we have
are just from a few places in the world and the data has certain limitations.
We are attempting to locate new sources of data on bird arrival times and plant
flowering times, and to determine the best ways of analyzing this data.
Additional sources of data include the diaries of naturalists and dates on
which museum specimens were collected. So far we have found that analyzing the
mean arrival time of birds in the spring is a more powerful method for showing
the impact of a changing climate than analyzing the date of first arrival, as
mean arrival date is not affected by population size or sampling
intensity. A major part of work is public outreach, because we believe
that the public needs to know that climate change is already affecting the
world around them.