Wildlife and Human Society

Wildlife and Human Society Vol.3 No.1

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Feature The expectation and view toward "Wildlife Protection and Management,and Proper Hunting Act"

  • Introduction for feature/1
    ------------Masatsugu Suzuki


  • History of wildlife management in Japan and amendment of the Wildlife Production and Proper Hunting Act in 2014 / 3
    ------------Kunihiko Tokida
  • Analyzing the 2014 Revision of the Wildlife Act according the Elements of Hunting / 13
    ------------Mitsuko A. Takahashi
  • Adaptive and scientific wildlife management, and division on the revised Wildlife Protection and Proper Hunting Act / 23
    ------------Masahiko Asada
  • How should we create next-generation bearers to manage large mammals?:
    modeling on Deer Stalking Centificates in the UK / 29
    ------------Hiromasa Igota, Yukiko Matsuura, Munemitsu Azumaya
  • Anticipated Outcomes and Challenges of Capture via Tranquilizer Gun in Wildlife Protection and Proper Hunting Act
    "Towards the Resolution of Urban Wildlife Problems" / 35
    ------------Yoshiki Morimitsu

Original Paper:

  • A suitable method to enable farmers to accurately identify mammals causing crop damege / 41
    ------------Hiroshi Sugawara, Yoshikazu Seki

- Japanese

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